queen elizabeth 2nd young

queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth ii young woman

  • queen elizabeth ii young woman

  • generik
    Aug 5, 02:40 AM
    It's not the AI PowerBook, it's the Al PowerBook. Big A little l, as in the chemical symbol for Aluminium. It replaced the one we call the TiBook or Titanium PowerBook.

    They may change the look, they may not. Doesn't make it a bad computer - it's a dead-set ripper of a computer. Why are you so worried about how it looks?

    Not so much the looks, it dings, it scratches, it warps, oh.. and it overheats.. enough said.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth 2 young.
  • queen elizabeth 2 young.

  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:24 PM
    If this forum would allow me to rate this story, I'd rank the outcome as Positive!

    Here's one for those of us who to choose to play by the rules!!

    ...and I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, btw...

    TV = Tranny?

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Queen+elizabeth+ii+young
  • Queen+elizabeth+ii+young

  • TheSideshow
    May 6, 12:41 AM
    Maybe a new line, but I cant see the MBP line going ARM. Possibly the Airs. Windows 8 will be ARM compatible + x86 so it could happen...

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Queen Elizabeth II at Expo 67
  • Queen Elizabeth II at Expo 67

  • EDH667
    Jan 6, 03:27 PM
    So I've played with the TomTom iPhone Car Kit for a couple of days and here's my initial observations.

    * I do not like the bluetooth speaker phone built-in for phone calls. It is far inferior to my BluAnt, but luckily it seems I can have both connected and easily switch back and forth.

    * Lastly, this is the thing that may make me return it...it rattles, as it is not built very well!! Where the car kit spins to landscape, it is just a little too loose of a setup. Does everyone else have this problem or do I have a defective unit? Would love to know if its worth bothering to exchange it. Thanks!

    I had two different TomTom iPhone Car Kits that I returned because of the bluetooth speaker phone. It would keep breaking up and I was unable to hear all of the other party's conversation. I had mine in the vertical position so I did not notice any rattle. I have ordered the Magellan Premium car kit which from early indications performs better for the bluetooth and positioning.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth ii younger.
  • queen elizabeth ii younger.

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 18, 02:47 PM
    Has Apple targeted other 'tablet' makers?

    Wonder how long until they serve HP with a similar suit?

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • SeaFox
    Aug 12, 04:03 PM
    This promo isn't to clear out Mac inventory, if anything it is to clear out iPod stock. If they hold back the Merom MBP just so I can't the free iPod I would be pissed and they would hear about it.

    You don't think a person is more likely to buy a Mac if they get a free iPod? The promo clears out Mac inventory, although I do agree it's primary purpose is to clear out iPod stock, more than once has Apple done an iPod update after the yearly iPod pomo ends.

    The point is they would update a product right in the middle of a promotion its involved in.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Young Woman (so-called
  • Young Woman (so-called

  • McGiord
    May 2, 08:25 PM
    The main reason that it will never happen -> they never will charge the gas by the liter, they want to keep it by the gallon...and continue increasing the price, if they change to the liters...a lot of people will be confused and start to complaint and blame the price increases on the metric system...wait they may want to use it as a smoke flare....hum,....:confused:

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. (Queen Elizabeth II of
  • (Queen Elizabeth II of

  • Ballis
    Apr 20, 03:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Aslong as the horrid proximity sensor is fixed om upgrading. LTE would be s nice bonus.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth ii young
  • queen elizabeth ii young

  • Hildron101010
    Mar 30, 08:09 PM
    A company called Ten's Complement is working on ZFS and expect it to be released by this summer.


    Cool, ZFS coming to OS X wouldn't be a negative thing at all. If it comes, great.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. young Queen Elizabeth II
  • young Queen Elizabeth II

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 20, 12:41 AM
    If you can have a bigger screen without a physically larger device size and weight, then yes, it is necessarily better.

    Agreed. Some people shouldn't speak for everyone...

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Vintage Queen Elizabeth II
  • Vintage Queen Elizabeth II

  • cyberdogl2
    Aug 11, 08:21 PM
    Merom isn't just bragging rights you should check out the comparison in the link that somebody provided. It's about 10% faster for the same price and power consumption. And the next generation of Front Row might take advtange of the 64-bitness.

    Also, I plan on booting Vista with it also, which has a 64-bit version if/when it comes out next year.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth 2nd crown.
  • queen elizabeth 2nd crown.

  • MickyDees
    Apr 18, 02:47 PM
    I guess I can see Apple's point. But, aren't all tablets going to have a similar style and interface? It would seem like there can be only marginal differences in a touch screen interface.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. on the Queen Elizabeth II,
  • on the Queen Elizabeth II,

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 08:11 AM
    I think I remember reading on one of the MacRumors forums that Merom is really a full 64-bit processor, bu rather a 32-bit w/ 64-bit extensions or something. Any truth in this?

    Yes - both AMD 64 and Intel EM64T are 64 bit extensions to the 32 bit x86 processor.

    From what I understand the registers are still 32 bit, but the chips have a 64 bit address space and more registers.

    No-one has the need for a truly 64 bit machine at this point - just machines that can address more RAM. The 4GB RAM limit on 32 bit processors is beginning to be an issue for pro users.

    I think the vector extensions (AltiVec and SSE) have very large registers - 128 bit? This is what's used when there is a need for a specific optimisation.

    Just my layman's understanding. Ready to be corrected!

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Queen Elizabeth II Regina,
  • Queen Elizabeth II Regina,

  • prady16
    Sep 15, 05:24 PM
    I am hoping for a new case design to keep the heat down!
    Lets keep our fingers crossed!

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth ii young
  • queen elizabeth ii young

  • wclyffe
    Dec 7, 06:22 AM
    Apple has changed their site now to say it would ship in 1-2 months.

    Yeah, that's pretty crazy now. It's clear whatever lead they had in time with the Magellan kit is now lost. It seems we'll get to compare them and then decide.

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 29, 05:15 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    Umm, sadly, tens of thousands of people have already died from the natural disaster alone (earthquake/tsunami) and Nuclear Power or anything "man-made" had nothing to do with it... However, the secondary hit Japan is going to take from their Nuclear problem remains to be seen.

    What really is selfish is these so called environmentalists that decry oil drilling as bad for the earth and a pollutant in so many ways, that they and other activists made it EVIL to even think it and some politicians make fun of it, but yet the world's economies depend on fossil fuels in so many ways. While it may be true of oil's pollutant value, there is no mistaking that you can go in and clean up most oil spills without a geiger counter and not worry about radiation poisoning and the people would have oil to heat their homes and gas to drive their cars. Something those in the hard struck areas of Japan currently don't have. Let us not forget countless other products that have oil as a by-product in it's formation, such as (http://www.ranken-energy.com/Products%20from%20Petroleum.htm)... Let alone iPod batteries.

    Wonder how the fine folks at Chernobyl are doing? Anyone here moving there soon? I'd bet you'd have better luck in Prince William Sound in Alaska.

    Thank you environmentalist!

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth 2nd.
  • queen elizabeth 2nd.

  • SirHaakon
    Mar 29, 06:12 PM
    Here's an album for 99 cents; increase your storage by 15 gigs for just a buck.


    queen elizabeth 2nd young. queen elizabeth ii younger
  • queen elizabeth ii younger

  • MacMan86
    Apr 25, 09:57 AM
    It exists. There's no reason for it to exist. You can't disable it. And there are HUGE privacy implications should the file be accessed without your permission - by thieves, stalkers (or worse), advertisers, police, etc. - none of whom can access your cell company's location records, except authorities, and even then only by subpoena. Which means a judge has to agree that there's a good reason for them to need it.

    Why is the file even there in the first place?

    How can you say there is no reason for it to exist? Did you design iOS? Were you part of the team who designed CoreLocation? Of course it has a reason to exist. It exists as a cache of cell tower information to provide rough location info with minimal battery usage. See here for more details: http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12432603&postcount=16

    Right, and boy is there misinformation being spread right in this thread. Apple is NOT collecting this data, your iPhone is. It goes NOWHERE.

    As I said, it isn't even doing that for me as I deleted that file on my Mac. Hey, instead of running around with your hair on fire, just delete that file. Wow, that's easy!

    Naah, better to pretend this is one big conspiracy from Apple and spread misinformation. Hey, I know, let me contradict Steve's explicit statements. I sure know who I trust more: anonymous snipers on the Internet over Steve Jobs.

    I have no issue with this file but deleting the file from your Mac won't really solve anything. The file still exists on the iPhone, and even if you jailbroke it and found a way to delete it off the phone, the phone would just generate a fresh consolidated.db file soon after. Then, when you sync the iPhone with your Mac it gets copied back across again.

    Nothing to see here...just the unabashed evilness of Apple shining through. I'm sure Apple will 'flash the wad' to the right people and make this issue go away...sad :( We are nothing more than chattel to Apple Consumer Electronics, where we are tracked and monitored like open range livestock. This is how they view us, as THEIR herd to do with as they please.

    Welcome to the future guys. :mad:

    Usual Tea Party troll response from Full of Win

    queen elizabeth 2nd young. young Queen Elizabeth II,
  • young Queen Elizabeth II,

  • Ed91
    Mar 31, 03:23 AM
    iCal has been visually overhauled to look like the iPad version

    At first I thought that this was awful. It doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of the OS, but then I realised that Apple is moving from an OS-centric view to an app-centric view, where the OS should be out of sight and mind.

    I hope this type of skeuomorphic design in Lion sticks to full screen apps, when the OS can't be seen.

    Mar 26, 11:00 PM
    :mad: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MLry6Cn_D4)

    (Click the angry face for my thoughts on the release being in Fall.)



    I hope this rumor is false

    May 6, 07:24 AM
    I can see this happening. I think it's a very clever move for Apple as they will be going away from commodity chips, will have more control over their chip design, will have better power consumption - which is a big thing with their environmentalism push, they will potentially be able to merge iOS and OSX.

    I don't see this as a bad thing and to those saying they won't buy another iMac - that could be true, the Mac may no longer be a brand anymore in 2013.

    Apple only went with intel because IBM was never going to be able to make a G5 laptop chip. Why are people so closed minded when it comes to change?

    Sep 16, 08:59 PM
    It is always bad practice to CTO a machine, as it is if there are no faults with it you are not entitled to send it back...

    Yeah, I realize that now (and will keep it in mind for future).

    On the flipside, with only a couple customizable options it's not like it wouldn't be appropriate for another consumer. The only thing modified is the RAM and it would take about 10 mins (for Apple) to get it back to stock.

    Jan 9, 10:49 AM
    it definitely is a strong consideration with a few add'l features for $10 more ... including that it works w/ both iphone and ipod touch, works w/ cases/skins, rotation notches seem firmer, and bluetooth works while off mount ... if you can get over the overall cost, the extra $10 is probably worth it.

    i received the TT car kit as a gift ... and enjoying it every day :D

    Yeah, the cost is not a huge issue for me as with either car kit, I get a permanent dock that I can pop my phone into and get enhanced gps service, charging, bluetooth speakerphone, and line out to my stereo system. It's pretty good from one unit. Glad yours is working out for you!

    Apr 24, 07:41 PM
    You people are all wrong.

    This icon is going on the iPhone, which is going to quadruple the number of pixels in each direction, to 2560 x 3840.

    Oh wait, even then then the icon consumes a ridiculous amount of space on the screen...

    Friday, May 13, 2011 0 comments

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